Q: How long will it take for my order to arrive?
A: We usually ship orders within two days. On some occasions we are away for a few days, so it may take an extra day or two. You will receive an email with tracking information as soon as your order is prepared.
Q: Can I buy your books on Amazon?
A: Wonk Press is a modern direct-to-consumer publisher. This model allows our authors to receive far more proceeds from book sales, rather than intermediaries like Amazon.
Q: Why is international shipping expensive?
A: Shipping rates from international carriers like UPS and DHL have seen substantial price increases in recent years. We always use discounted rates from these carriers. What we charge for shipping is the same as what we pay to ship packages. For more information, see the International Shipping Costs page which suggests ways to save money, including buying from one of our international retail partners.
Q: Do you have eBooks?
A: We understand that eBooks are in demand so continuously evaluate whether any of our titles makes sense as an eBook.
Currently we have a substantial preview eBook for Minimalist Tiki available on Kindle. It contains several key chapters from the printed book and 30 cocktail recipes.